June 15, 2023

Ep. 30 - The Solitaire: The Perfect Engagement Ring When She Doesn't Know What She Wants

Ep. 30 - The Solitaire: The Perfect Engagement Ring When She Doesn't Know What She Wants

Not every guy knows what kind of engagement ring his girl wants, and that's totally OK. A lot of couples don't specifically talk about the style of the ring. It's all about keeping that romantic, nostalgic symbolism intact. You're presenting this...

Not every guy knows what kind of engagement ring his girl wants, and that's totally OK.

A lot of couples don't specifically talk about the style of the ring. It's all about keeping that romantic, nostalgic symbolism intact. You're presenting this ring, asking for her hand in marriage, and showing your commitment to each other.

The selection process may seem overwhelming with countless ring styles out there. You definitely don't want to disappoint her when you propose. It's like when she asks you to grab toothpaste, and you're faced with a million options. We want to get it right and make her happy, right?

There is a simple solution, and it's called the Solitaire. 

It's a classic ring with a single, prominent diamond as the centerpiece. It's simple, timeless, and what most of us imagine when we think of an engagement ring. The solitaire puts that diamond on center stage, and when she sees it, it becomes her diamond, forever unforgettable. And if she wants something different later on, you can always set the diamond into a different ring—no big financial hit and the sentiment remains intact.

If you'd like help finding a jeweler closer to home, email me at andy@buylikeaguy.com and I'll do my best to put you in touch with some of the best jewelers on earth.

Music credits: Preacher Man by Miles Neilson and The Rusted Hearts, used with permission. A killer band with original songs that get stuck in your head.  They're awesome.

Listen To Preacher Man on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/7ImcaJKIk0ZVtPzuUVV4vc?si=80581c74a9be4987